Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Task 9- Media terminology

Mainstream: films that are widely released in cinemas, examples of this would be Hollywood movies and blockbusters. These have a large and extensive budget and are often produced by one of the big six. 

Independent: films that are produced outside of a major film studio, independent films are usually distinguished both by the style and the artistic way the director chooses to show them. They have a smaller budget than the mainstream films and have a limited release in comparison.

Production (stages): 

-Pre-Production- planning e.g.
-Production- filming e.g.
-Post-Production- editing and completion of the film

Distribution: the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

Marketing: is a key stage in the distribution of a film. Marketing is the promotion of a film, it usually includes press releases, advertising campaigns and merchandising.

Exchange: how a film is viewed whether its in a cinema, at home or on a device via streaming.

Multinational Conglomerate: a company or firm that has branches all over the world and offers a branch of services such as Walt Disney.

Monopoly: where one single company dominates all or nearly all of the market for a given product.

Oligopoly: is where the market consists of a select few companies having significant influence over an industry- the big six.

Name the Big Six (90% of box office takings): 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney and Universal Studios.

Horizontal Integration (also known as cross media ownership): this is where a production company expands into other areas of one industry. This means that the company can develop in a particular area of production or they can buy out another company that deals with these areas.

Vertical Integration: this is when the production company has the ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company, because of this they receive all of the profit.

Synergy: is the simultaneous release of two or more products to promote each other

Merchandising: branded products that help to promote a film or media event such as Iron Man helmets sold in children's toy shops.

Ultra Violet: allows you to store digital versions of films bought on DVD or Blu-ray. This enables playback on different devices using multiple applications from several different streaming services.

Above the Line: where mass media is used to promote a brand or film. These include conventional media as we know it, television and radio advertising, print as well as internet.       

Below the Line: an advertising strategy in which a product is promoted in mediums other than radio and television etc. 

Technological Convergence/Cross media convergence: the combining of two or more mediums, like the film industry working together with the music industry (Adele releasing to promote the film)

Consumption: the sum of media information taken in by a group or individual.

Exhibition: the last stage of a film's distribution journey- showing the film in theatres. Exhibition

Piracy: obtaining, copying and distributing a media material without proper rights of legal ownership.

Hollywood Franchise 4S Model – synergy, spectacle, sequelisation, story

Tie-In: a media product such as a book, video game or movie that makes use of material presented in another usually more well-known media product. For example: a video game that was a tie-in to a popular movie- Lego Batman game

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